Lambings very much here, and its been a busy couple of weeks. My mother-in-law Anne is the main lamber on the farm, and has been busy down in the shed day and night. My contribution to lambing this year has not been as full on as the past few years because of baby dunc, but I have managed to fit some lambing duties into my baby routine! In the mornings, after Duncans feed, I dress him up into his snowsuit, and bundle him into his buggy, and wheel him down into the lambing shed. He quietly observes the sheep and lambs, while I feed and water all the pens of sheep that have already lambed. Its a great way to keep him occupied, and get him used to the sound and sight of animals. After a while down in the shed, he gets tired, and becomes a bit grizzly with all the 'baaaas' and 'bheees', but with a gentle rock of his buggy (and a wee suck of his dummy) he manages to drift off into a wee sleep, so I can finish off my duties, as well as feed these two wee men! (above pic).These guys are very cute, and they welcome me in the mornings with a very high pitched 'bheeee'! They are currently under a heat lamp, and being fed by us to keep them strong. They were too small and weak to stay with their mothers, so we had to take them off her, so we could look after them, and keep them alive. They are the size of little kittens, but doing really well!
Love these little cuties, what a beautiful photograph. Hope they contine to do well.
Posted by: Phyl. | 04/24/2010 at 10:39 AM
Posted by: Alice | 06/30/2010 at 11:29 PM