Its been over a month since i've attempted to write something on my blog. I have taken no pictures recently, and my free time has been spent sleeping....which i feel doesn't equal a very interesting blog! Whether its be the busy-ness and the long hours of my new job, or the fact that i am 3 months pregnant, and the tiredness has been unbelievable, I dont know? but here I am again to start writing about the goings on on the farm, my hen house, and my glassware ( which unfortunately has had to take a back seat recently)
The weather has been wonderful recently...just like the summers used to be in the 90s when i had my summer holidays, days and days of sunshine, and late night BBQs, trips to the beach or baling the last bale of hay before the dew came down.
It has been a wonderful month on the farm, we have managed to keep up to date with the crops unlike the last 3 wet summers! We have so much grass this year, Duncan has been busy making silage for the cows winter fodder. This years grass is lovely and lush too, as well as being very rich in glucose, which is great. They're has been so much happening in the fields, i would need another few posts to write about them i'll get a few new photos, and try not to leave it as long this time!
To give you a quick update on my sitting hen....she's still chicks- her eggs were infertile, which i always last week i plonked a couple of fertile eggs under her from my mums we'll see.... shes a determined lassie anyway!!!